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Get to know our products


Intelligence, ease of operation and accuracy go hand in hand


Complete for measuring hands and arms and the whole body


Hot and hostile environments overcome with great vitality and resistance


Remote readings of all their magnitudes


heat stress meter with screen for real-time monitoring


   Credibility and recognition of technical competence by our clients are achievements acquired through hard work, resilience, humility and dedication over the 26 years of our history.

   Being the first laboratory in Brazil to be accredited by Inmetro's General Accreditation Coordination in the areas in which we operate and are absolute leaders only increases our responsibility and commitment to our clients.

State-of-the-art technology

Laboratory equipped with modern reference standards used by research institutes in developed countries such as Germany and the USA.

Innovation is the difference

The pleasure of achieving our innovative products and services is always greater than the fear of making mistakes, so innovating for us is paramount.

Specialization and excellence

In addition to our CGCRE accreditation, we are also registered with CREA-SP, which allows us to legally practice our profession by complying with the rules and laws in force.

Chrompack news

Stay up to date with what's new at Chrompack.

Meet our new audiodosimeter: SmartdBLITE.

SmartTemp is CHROMPACK's new thermal stress meter, now with a display to make your life easier!

Schedule your services in advance and receive your instruments more quickly.

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