
Acoustics and Vibrations

chrompack calibration

Acoustics and Vibrations Laboratory

Our Electroacoustics Laboratory was initially accredited by CGCRE - Coordenação Geral de Acreditação do INMETRO (INMETRO's General Accreditation Coordination) under number 256 in 2004, proudly becoming the first laboratory in Brazil to calibrate electroacoustic equipment such as Sound Level Meters, Capacitive Microphones, Audiodosimeters, Frequency Analyzers and Sound Level Calibrators, issuing a Calibration Certificate with the RBC - Rede Brasileira de Calibração (Brazilian Calibration Network) logo. The delivery of the Calibration Certificate with the RBC logo of our laboratory is necessary to meet the mandatory requirements of technical standards, environmental, social security and labor laws that have been updated and published recently. Our Vibration Laboratory was initially accredited by CGCRE - Coordenação Geral de Acreditação do INMETRO (INMETRO's General Accreditation Coordination) under No. 256 in 2016 and has since been able to calibrate accelerometers, accelerometer calibrators, vibration meters and vibration analyzers intended for Occupational Hygiene and Vibration of machines and engines with the issue of a Calibration Certificate bearing the RBC - Rede Brasileira de Calibração (Brazilian Calibration Network) logo. The delivery of the Calibration Certificate with our laboratory's RBC logo is necessary to meet the compulsory requirements of technical standards, environmental, social security and labor laws that have recently been updated and published. 

With the same policy of offering our customers a range of instrument calibration from the oldest to the most up-to-date, in 2017 we expanded the scope of this laboratory to include calibration of instruments for vibration measurement and analysis, especially calibration of occupational vibration meters manufactured to any version of ISO8041.

View our CGCRE accreditation scope via the link:

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